OLL students lead the Living Rosary

Religious Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic School students participated in the school’s “Living Rosary” tradition on October 11. Held in the Rosary Garden, sixth grade students stand on stepping stones set in the shape of the rosary and lead the school in the reenactment of the mysteries. 

“October, the month of the Rosary, is an opportunity for us to pray together as a school,” said Rose Cabrera, OLL’s Religion coordinator. 

This tradition has existed at OLL for 15 years, and was held in the church prior to the construction of the Rosary Garden. Located in the center of the school grounds, the butterfly Rosary Garden is one of OLL’s most unique and beautiful features. 

This special area was a project initiated by school parents and designed by an OLL parent. Some students contributed butterfly designs that were transferred to the five main “beads” – landscape stones. 

Situated at the center of the garden is a statue of Mary imported from Italy. It along with a mosaic cross were donated to the school. The garden provides a quiet sanctuary to members of the school and church, and the status is a focal point for other school events such as May Crowning.