Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic Church celebrates Holy Week, Easter

Religious Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Our Lady of the Lakes, located at 6600 Miami Lakeway North, is celebrating Palm Sunday, Easter and Holy Week. 

Prior to Palm Sunday, on Saturday, March 28, confessions will take place from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 

On Palm Sunday, March 29, palms will be distributed at 9:30 a.m., 11 a.m., and 5:30 p.m. along with a 5 p.m. vigil. 

On Tuesday of Holy Week, March 31, confessions will take place from 7 to 9 p.m. 

On Thursday, April 2, a bilingual mass of the Last Supper is scheduled at 8 p.m. Good Friday, April 3, will feature  Traditional Stations of the Cross in English at 10 p.m. and again at 11 p.m. in Spanish. A Devotional Service to the Divine Mercy in Spanish with Recitation of the Chaplet at noon and again at 2:30 p.m. in English. A Bilingual Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion is scheduled for 6 p.m. that night as well.

Holy Saturday, April 4, a Bilingual Liturgy of the Easter Vigil will take place at 8 p.m.

On Easter Sunday, April 5, Spanish mass will commence at 8 a.m. and in English at 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m.