St. Thomas receives grant for Empowering Young Disciples

Religious Friday, February 5, 2016


St. Thomas University (STU) has received a grant of $557, 588 to establish STU IMPACT: Empowering Young Disciples.

It is part of Lily Endowment Inc.’s High School Youth Theology Institutes initiative, which seeks to encourage young people to explore theological traditions, ask questions about the moral dimensions of contemporary issues and examine how their faith calls them to lives of service.

STU’s Institute for High School: STU IMPACT: Empowering Young Disciples, in collaboration with the Catholic Archdiocese of Miami, will create opportunities for sophomore through senior high school students to discover and explore their faith.

During an intensive eight-day program, tentatively scheduled for June 11 to 19, 2016, students will live on campus, learn from renowned scholars, and participate in local and regional civic engagement activities.

Activities will include formal theological education and a mid-year convocation.

In addition, students will design and implement a service learning project to be implemented in their home community or parish.