Town Topics: How are you gifting this season? Will you buy, craft or forego Christmas presents?

Community By Alexandra Herrera, Reporter Friday, December 15, 2023

Trinette Zarran  Lawyer  Miami Gardens 

     “I’m shopping for gifts,” Trinette Zarran wrote in an email. “Running around town making sure to take care of my loved ones so they feel extra special this year. Got some good deals on Black Friday and Amazon during Cyber Monday as well. Feeling blessed to have my family during the holidays and being able to spend time together. Thankful for all the memories of loved ones and blessed with the presence of those still here. Happy Holidays.”

Daylin Garcia  Founder, Giving Gators charity Miami Lakes

     “We all lead such busy lives that sometimes we miss precious moments with our loved ones,” Daylin Garcia wrote in an email.  “In my family, especially during the holidays, we prioritize spending time together by enjoying a family vacation and gifting ourselves new cherished memories.”

Arianne Delsol   Owner, Crafting with Ari   Homestead 

     “This year I’m crafting for everyone in my family,” Arianne Delsol said. “I’m giving something more personalized than just buying them something.” 

Tomas Amitrano  Co-Owner, Alfajores by Miralu and student  Miami Beach 

     “I am here for a year, and I am here with my girlfriend and the only gift I’m planning to give this year is [a trip to] Disney for Christmas,” Tomas Amitrano said.  “It’s a surprise, don’t tell her.”

Michael Coote  Retired  Miami Lakes

     “As the children have gotten older and moved out of the house, the gift that is love of family has never been more important,” Michael Coote wrote in an email.  “Spending time with family and loved ones is the priority this year, rather than the number of presents under the tree.”

Alexandra Herrera interviewed our Town Topics talkers and photographed Arianne Delsol and Tomas Amitrano. Trinette Zarran, Daylin Garcia and Michael Coote provided their photos.  We thank you all!