Town Topics: School resumes this month. Will your child carpool or take the bus to lessen traffic delays?

Community By Alexandra Herrera, Reporter Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Monica Munoz  Owner, BBs Bakehouse  Miami Lakes

     “Our son Lucas is three-and-a-half, and Mommy and Daddy take him to KinderCare,” Monica Munoz said about getting her son to preschool in Miami Lakes. “There is a lot of traffic on Miami Lakes Drive, and you can spend sometimes a half-hour to go one block. Carpooling is a little difficult because the [other] parents don’t all work in the same areas."

Anthony Akhavan   Detective, Broward Sheriff’s Office  Miami Lakes

     “This year I’ll have to start with waking them up a bit earlier,” Anthony Akhavan said.  “Fortunately for me, I live really close to the school and traffic is usually not a problem.  I can get to work a little bit later on my end when I can drop them off.  My wife drops them off on days she’s off.  We live really close to the school so there is literally no need for us to carpool.” 

Fernando Ladeira  Marketing Professional  Miami Lakes

     “I live relatively close to school so I’ll either continue driving them to school or maybe on days, weather permitting, just walking them to school,” Fernando Ladeira said.  “We’re not far ... it’s probably easier to walk than take the car, but weather in Miami is always complicated. So sometimes it’s easier to go in the car.”  

Ana Vega  Teacher, Palm Springs North Elementary School  Miami Lakes

     “I drive them because my little one goes to Barbara Goleman [Senior High School],” Ana Vega said. “We’re walking distance, so I drive her to school. [Traffic] used to affect me when I would drop them off at Bob Graham [Education Center].  There, I used to leave my house very early so I could get there on time.”  

Natalee M. Lima  Title Agent, Hemisphere Title Company Miami Lakes

     “I always drive them myself,” Natalee M. Lima said. “I can stay on [Northwest] 154 [Street] for everything: My house, the office, the kids ...  It doesn’t take me too long either. If I leave at the right time, it can be five to 10 minutes. If I leave at the wrong time, it can be 30 minutes. I like to drop them off myself. I like to have my mornings with them.”  

Alexandra Herrera interviewed our Town Topics talkers and Linda Trischitta interviewed Monica Munoz. Our subjects provided their photos. We thank you all!