Transportation Community forum scheduled on April 9

Home Thursday, March 31, 2016


Miami Lakes will host a Community Forum on Transportation beginning at 10 a.m. on Saturday, April 9, inside Council Chambers at Town Hall, 6601 Main Street. The meeting will include a recap of the Town’s Transportation Summit that took place on July 31, and the strategies voted upon at the October 6 regular Town Council meeting.

An initiative of Councilmembers Tony Lama and Nelson Rodriguez, the Transportation Summit brought together relevant stakeholders and experts of all agencies responsible for transportation to focus on specific problems, while ensuring that all agencies’ actions are strategically coordinated to achieve optimal solutions.

Based on the ideas generated at the Summit, a list of straggles recommended for the Town to pursue was presented at the October 6 Council meeting and were also included in the Town’s Strategic Plan. Town staff was authorized, with the Council’s endorsement, to pursue the presented ideas with responsible outside agencies, as well as make grant requests and recommend appropriations to implement these strategies.

For more information, visit

and click on the “Transportation Summit” tab.