Who's Who in Miami Lakes: Ray Palacios

Community By Linda Trischitta, Editor Wednesday, March 19, 2025

     Ray Palacios is the newly-elected president of the board of the Miami Lakes Chamber of Commerce

     Palacios, 48, previously was vice president of the chamber and in 2020, moved to the Young Professionals Committee so he could focus on his business.      

     A career in banking led to his founding of ASJ Financial Group mortgage brokerage in 2006. In 2013, he became a mortgage lender and built First Origin Mortgage Lenders. He is president and chief executive officer. It is licensed in Florida, Georgia and Louisiana and headquartered in Miami Lakes. 

      It is a family business; his wife Yaimet Palacios, a retired teacher, is vice president. 

     “We compete directly with the banks,” he said.

     They live in Pembroke Pines and have two sons: Austin, 24, who works with them and Jordan, 21, a senior at the University of Fort Lauderdale.

Q: Where are you from and what is your background? 

A: I was born in Havana, Cuba and arrived during the Mariel Boatlift in 1980.  My mother Emma Castilla, my late grandmother Emma Fernandez, my brother Ernesto Palacios and I came.  My father was kept behind. I was sitting on his lap in the bus to go to the docks to leave the island. Military police stop the bus, he puts me on mom, and I see my dad with his hands up.  I didn’t see him for 17 years … until we brought him over in 1997. He was one of the best mechanics on the island, they thought he knew too many secrets, somebody ratted him out. I was four, my brother was five. Mom had three jobs, in southeast Hialeah, at factories and overnight at a little Chinese restaurant. The neighbor looked over us. 

     My grandmother worked at the factory during the day. She’d bring home vertical blinds from the factory, and we’d all assemble them at night. We’d get $8 a box. It kept us humble.  I went to Miami Lakes Middle, HML [Hialeah-Miami Lakes Senior High School], Miami Dade College and FIU [Florida International University], where I studied finance and management.

Q: What do you like most about Miami Lakes? 

A: I owned here for a year and then we moved to [Pembroke] Pines. I grew up here. I was playing basketball at the Optimist [Park]. To me this was Coral Gables or the Ritz. I think this is top notch. I grew up on West 18th Avenue in Hialeah, next to Palm Lakes Elementary. We would always come over to town. I was at the movies and the Main Street fountain every weekend. The people here are friendlier than elsewhere in Miami-Dade County. I’m spending more time here than I am in Pines.

Q: What do you dislike about the town? 

A: I don’t really dislike anything. The traffic is not that bad. Miami Lakes needs a little bit more nightlife.

Q: What are the responsibilities of your current position and what do you hope to accomplish? 

A: We started doing the monthly [business networking] happy hours and I want to bring a little bit of life to these restaurants. La Diosa, Korner 67, even 1910 (Restaurante & Bar), they spend a lot of money renovating these places. They look like they should be in Coral Gables. If we can get in there, they can definitely thrive. There is no reason why people in Miami Lakes should go out of town, because of the quality of restaurants we have. We did a gala last year to benefit ARC of South Florida and I want to double the attendance. Also, draw speakers who will help the town economically.

Q: What is your biggest accomplishment, personal or career-wise? 

A: Becoming president of the chamber, only because I love the chamber so much and I’ve given so much to it. Opening my company is probably the biggest accomplishment, and not having to work for banks and doing fraud investigations anymore. 

Q: What would you rather have done, what was your fantasy career? 

A: I wanted to be a football player. I played tight end at HML. But I quit playing and started chasing girls. I’ve known Yaimet since 5th grade and dated her since high school.

Q: What books are you reading, and are there any podcasts that you’re listening to? 

A: One of my favorite books is “Who Moved my Cheese?” [by Spencer Johnson, M.D.]. It’s about change. I change things every few years, even in my company. It forces people to get off their butt and move, whether they like it or not.

Q: What have you streamed/binge-watched on TV? 

A: I’m a “Game of Thrones” fan. I’m going to start watching “Homestead.” I’m not huge on TV. I’m usually working until midnight or 1 o’clock in the morning.

Q: Where did you last travel to on vacation?

A: We were in the Spanish isles, all around Spain and Italy and Portugal in June 2024, and finished up in Rome. It was our 25th wedding anniversary and I gave her an upgrade on her ring, finally.