Workout: To do at home, in the gym or on the go

Sports By Ricky Ali Personal Trainer Shula’s Athletic Club Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The Bicep Curl

If you want fierce-looking upper arms, the bicep curl will shape the muscles that help with heavy lifting.

Another benefit to this calisthenic: It works your core, outer abdominal muscles and the muscles in your upper back, too.
1. With feet pointing straight and planted directly beneath your hips, stand on an exercise band and pull the handles up toward your hips.
2. Stretch your head toward the ceiling, lift your chest and press your shoulders down. While keeping your arms close to your body and elbows near your waist, lift the handles toward your biceps, with palms facing upward.
3. Keep your abdominals pulled in tight while holding the position for a second, then slowly stretch your arms and return your hands along your sides to the starting position.
4. Do four sets of 10 - 12 repetitions. You can rest about 45 seconds between sets.
5. Dumbbells can be used as an alternative
to the exercise band.

If you use weights, maintain the same posture described above.
Keep elbows close to your body and lift the dumbbells toward your biceps. With your palms up, begin the repetitions. Don’t let your head and neck protrude forward, or round your shoulders or allow your elbows to move away from your sides.

Disclaimer: Do not begin any physical activity described in this column without prior approval from your health care professional.