Miami Lakes’ long-running Summerfest concert is back presenting its 25th Anniversary summer music festival at 8 p.m. on Saturday, August 6. The free concert will be held at Miami Lakes United Methodist Church, 14800 N.W. 67 Avenue.The Summerfest Chamber Orchestra will feature musicians and soloists who have participated in the festival over the past 25 years, including members of the Arpeggione Chamber Orchestra of Austria, the Mission...

Town holds same property tax rate for 6th year; $1 mil. unfunded services

Community By The Miami Laker staff Friday, July 15, 2016

Town of Miami Lakes is proposing the same rate for property taxes for the sixth consecutive year but more than $1 million for municipal services might go unfunded unless the town can find the money elsewhere or cut other services depending on what’s important to lawmakers and residents.According to a budget overview with preliminary figures for Miami Lakes’ spending plan for 2016-2017, $1.8 million of services were included in the...
The Town of Miami Lakes is asking residents to depict their favorite place or thing to do in Miami Lakes with artwork that will be displayed at Town Hall has part of “I Heart Miami Lakes.”Deadline for submissions is Monday, July 18. Up to 50 artworks will be chosen to be displayed from August through October. The “I Heart Miami Lakes Art Expo” will be held on Friday, August 5, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Light refreshments...
Miami Lakes Elderly Affairs Committee will be hosting twice-monthly nutritious lunches and bingo for seniors on the second and fourth Wednesdays of July, August and September.The social event will be held from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Mary Collins Community Center, 15151 N.W. 82 Avenue. It is sponsored by The Graham Companies, Always At Your Side Adult Day Care, Florida Pace Centers, Giardino Gourmet Salads, and District 13 Miami-Dade County...
The Town of Miami Lakes is asking residents to depict their favorite place or thing to do in Miami Lakes with artwork that will be displayed at Town Hall has part of “I Heart Miami Lakes.”Deadline for submissions is Monday, July 18. Up to 50 artworks will be chosen to be displayed from August through October. The “I Heart Miami Lakes Art Expo” will be held on Friday, August 5, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Light refreshments...