Slaton, Town withdraw appeal; Pizzi back as Mayor

Community By David L. Snelling, The Miami Laker staff Friday, May 15, 2015

  Despite an entreaty from many residents to take the case to the Florida Supreme Court to keep his job, Miami Lakes Mayor Wayne Slaton and the town decided to end the long-running legal dispute over who should be the city’s rightful mayor. Flanked by councilmembers and town staff during a news conference two weeks ago at Town Hall, Slaton said he and Miami Lakes will not appeal the Florida Third District Court of...


Members of the Miami Lakes Spanish Class I joined their teacher, Maria Del Carmen Nodarse (far right) in celebrating Cinco de Mayo at the Mary Collins Community Center. Pictured (front, from left) Lynn Cole, Mindy McDaniel, and Bruce Davidson; (back, from left) Hector Vincent, Janet Gorlow, Debbie Hobbs, Bill Heinig, Jeff Small and Enid Lomax. (Not pictured: Asghar Aghaabdollah.)
  Miami Lakes and its Public Safety Committee recognized the exceptional service of police officers, firefighters and paramedics on May 2 during Public Safety Appreciation Day at the Mary Collins Community Center.Councilmembers including Mayor Michael Pizzi, Nelson Rodriguez, Tim Daubert, Ceasar Mestre and Frank Mingo, along with members of the Public Safety Committee, joined police and fire personnel and their families for a delicious...
  Sergio Campos was the face of Loch Ness.When residents wanted to know everything about Miami Lakes, Campos, a longtime resident and president of the Loch Ness Homeowners Association, told them anecdotes that enriched their minds with knowledge to become good homeowners, and taught them to appreciate the quality of living.   “He was described as the best friend in the world to the Miami Lakes community,” Mayor...
  Auditions for Reefer Madness will be held Wednesday, May 13, and Thursday, May 14, from 7:30 to 10 p.m. at The Main Street Playhouse,   6766 Main Street, Miami Lakes. To make an appointment email All those auditioning must prepare 16 bars of an up-tempo musical theatre song (an accompanist will be provided) prepare a one minute comedic dialogue, and note all conflicting dates. Special physical skills or...