Gallery Weekend draws established and new artists

Community Thursday, October 16, 2014

  September ended with another Pop-Up Gallery Weekend on Main Street held on the 26th and 27th. On Friday evening, local talent Joe Villa entertained the crowd, and on Saturday night, Venezuelan pianist Manuel Gamez and his friend, Phillips Cachi, a percussionist from New York, played once again. Over 15 artists participated with representation from Miami Lakes artists such as Hermie Ibarra, and new up-and-comer Alinna Brigette who used...

Halloween events for all ages

Community Thursday, October 16, 2014

  The Town of Miami Lakes has planned two Halloween special events including a Senior Social and a Halloween Extravaganza. The Elderly Affairs Committee is hosting the Halloween Senior Social from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, October 18, at Roberto Alonso Community Center, 16500 N.W. 87 Avenue. The event is free and will feature music, entertainment, raffles, and lunch. Prizes for best costume will be given to the Best Female, Best...
  Miami Lakes Branch Library announced it will have new hours of operation beginning in October. The branch, located at 6699 Windmill Gate Road, will be open Monday and Tuesday from noon to 8 p.m., and Wednesday through Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. The branch will be closed on Sundays.  The following programs are available for the public during October: For Children and families: Reading Ready Toddler Storytime - Stories, songs...

Madison Fernandez has charitable 8th birthday party

Community By R.A. Romero, The Miami Laker staff Thursday, October 16, 2014

  Miami Lakes resident Madison Fernandez has always had a heart for others, so when she requested that in lieu of presents for her 8th birthday party, she would have guests bring shoes for orphans in India, her parents weren’t caught by surprise. The only surprising element was how detailed her charitable plans were. “I’m not sure why she chose India, or shoes for that matter, but she did,” said Madison’s...

Kiwanis Club hosts Square Dance

Community Thursday, October 16, 2014

  The Miami Lakes Kiwanis Club is hosting a Square Dance on Saturday, October 18, at the Roberto Alonso Community Center at Royal Oaks Park. The event will raise money for Kiwanis International’s project to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus in third world countries. The project is called “Eliminate” and is co-sponsored by UNICEF. Tickets are $15 and the cost is tax deductible for participants. Food will be...