Goleman student hand makes pillows for breast cancer patients

Education By R.A. Romero, The Miami Laker staf Friday, December 2, 2016

Kelsy Ruano is a girl scout, AP student, and creator of handmade pillows for breast cancer survivors. Ruano, a senior at Barbara Goleman Senior High School, personally knows two breast cancer survivors –  a family friend and her grandmother. Moved to action after witnessing the discomfort and pain they suffered after undergoing mastectomies, Ruano searched for special-made pillows to be used under the arm to keep the elbow from...
Miami-Dade County Public Schools was recognized at the White House as the leading large school district in innovation and personalized learning for all students, particularly underserved students. Schools Superintendent Alberto M. Carvalho had been invited to attend a discussion convened by the U.S. Department of Education and the White House where the county was recognized.The USDOE’s Office of Innovation and Improvement partnered with...
Florida International University was one of three state universities to receive $1 million in student scholarships to help erase any financial barriers for students and increase the number of graduates in computer and information technology, thanks to the National Science Foundation.Along with the University of South Florida and University of Central Florida, FIU was awarded the five-year scholarship grant in support of the collaborative...
Students at Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic School are gaining exposure to robotics and programming as the STREAM program flourishes. STREAM stands for Science, Technology, Religion, Arts, and Music and represents an integration of the arts and religion as students are prepared for STEM related fields. Forty students in sixth through eighth grade are taking robotics classes. Students are introduced to concepts of engineering, robotics,...

Pace’s ’Til Death Do Us Part sells out three shows

Education By Rene D. Basulto, Special to The Miami Laker Friday, December 2, 2016

Pace High School’s acclaimed drama program held a trio of sold-out performances for its Fall 2016 production ‘Til Death Do Us Part on November 1, 2, and 3. What made this production unique is that it is the first completely original play created by Pace Drama alumni and students. The murder comedy-mystery set in a 1980s wedding was written primarily by Jamie Adelson, a Pace alumna from the Class of 2015. She worked in...