Pace seniors accepted to UF

Education Thursday, March 3, 2016

  Pace High School announced 13 seniors from the Class of 2016 were accepted into the University of Florida. Seniors Anaika Alezi, Samantha Bacerio, Mia Bravo, Brittany Gonzalez, Mia Lama, Maya Lora, Naja Murphy, Sabrina Ortega, Holden Placide, Amanda Prats, Melissa Rey, Anna Rossi, and Melannie Sandoval all received their acceptance letters in February to join the University of Florida’s Class of 2020.  “All of these...

HML band students celebrate achievements

Education Thursday, March 3, 2016

  The Hialeah Miami Lakes Trojan band, led by Sara Cowley, celebrated their February achievements at the Florida Bandmasters Association District Solo and Ensemble Festival. Students Jorge Acin, Christian Herrera, Bryan Rodriguez, and Josue Gaitan all received a Superior rating on their solo performances, and band captain Acin, will also move on to the state level with his solo for an even more challenging evaluation. ...
  St. Thomas University’s Gus Machado School of Business is one step closer to the fruition of its new home with the unveiling of architectural renderings showcasing the newest addition to the 144-acre campus.  The first renderings, designed by Bermello, Ajamil and Partners, were revealed during a private reception last month at the home of STU Trustee and alumnus, Jorge Rico. In attendance for the unveiling were community...

National College Fair draws 12,000

Education Thursday, March 3, 2016

  Once again, Miami-Dade County Public Schools hosted the ever-successful National College Fair, which was held Sunday, February 21, at the Double Tree Miami Mart Airport Hotel. Close to 12,000 students and parents participated in the four-hour event where representatives from 200 colleges and universities provided answers to questions regarding admissions, financial aid, housing and testing requirements. “This provides a good...
  Hialeah Miami Lakes celebrated the participation of the school’s chorus in the 2016 Superintendent’s Choral Auditions held at Michael Krop Senior High School in February. Of the 11 students that auditioned, eight of the students made the Superintendent’s Honors Chorus this year. The students are Zephanie Tsimagianis, Gabriela Gomez, Melissa Cruz, Omaria Guerra, Enrique Jurado, Michael Miguez, Jabari Dykes, and Mario...