Graduation dates announced for local schools

Education Tuesday, February 16, 2016

  Graduation dates for local schools are now available through Miami Dade County Public School’s website Graduation dates and times are as follows: On Wednesday, June 1: Hialeah Miami Lakes Senior High – U.S. Century Bank Arena at FIU at 10 a.m. Jose Marti MAST 6-12 Academy – Adrienne Arsht Center at 7:30 p.m. On Thursday, June 2: American Senior High – U.S. Century Bank Arena at FIU at 3...

Main Street Banner Art winners announced

Education Friday, February 5, 2016

  The Graham Companies announced the winners of “I Can Make A Difference” Main Street Banner Art Contest. With over 200 submissions, only 26 pieces were able to be showcased on the light poles in the median along Main Street. The artwork submissions were judged by 13 individuals who selected the top piece of work for Elementary, Middle and High School students. The top Elementary School submission was from Bob Graham...

Hantman items approved

Education Friday, February 5, 2016

  The Miami-Dade County Public School Board unanimously approved two items proposed by Board chair Perla Tabares Hantman at its regular meeting this week. The first item promotes the 2016 College Fair scheduled for Sunday, February 21. “The College Fair provides parents and students with excellent information about educational opportunities and choices,” said Hantman, who has co-chaired the fair’s local committee for...

NFL honors Pace for developing Kayvon Webster

Sports Friday, February 5, 2016

  The NFL honored Monsignor Edward Pace High School with a commemorative golden football in celebrating school alumni Kayvon Webster’s pro career, as he is preparing to play in his second Super Bowl. The Denver Broncos cornerback played in Super Bowl XLVIII in 2014.  The football commemorates the golden anniversary of the Super Bowl, as the NFL recognized Pace as a member of the Super Bowl High School Honor Roll for its role...

Pace High nominates five for Silver Knight awards

Education Friday, February 5, 2016

  Monsignor Edward Pace High School seniors Michael Barcelo, Mia Bravo, Daniel Labrousse, Maya Lora and Brian Rodriguez are the school’s 2016 nominees for the prestigious Silver Knight community service awards given by The Miami Herald and El Nuevo Herald. Barcelo, Pace’s nominee in the Science category, has worked tirelessly to raise funds and awareness in the fight against cancer. The topic is close to Barcelo’s...