Ribbon Cutting: Venture X

Featured By Alexandra Herrera, Reporter Wednesday, February 19, 2025

      The new Venture X Miami Lakes shared workspace firm celebrated with a ribbon cutting party on Feb. 12. Fanfare included music performances, cocktails and a crowd of visitors. “This is a great concept for a startup, new...

Jose Marti MAST 6-12 Academy competes in national contest

Education By Linda Trischitta, Editor Friday, May 20, 2022

    Jose Marti MAST 6-12 Academy’s middle and high school teams competed at the Ten80 National STEM League Finals held at Miami Coral Park Senior High April 29 - April 30.       The JMMA Silver Streaks from the middle school and the MAST and Furious high school teams faced 30 competitors, including from schools in Florida, Massachusetts, Texas, Michigan, Maryland and North Carolina, Ten80 said. Teams...

Miami Lakes Library Programs through June 4

Community By Linda Trischitta, Editor Friday, May 20, 2022

     The Miami-Dade County Library branch in Miami Lakes is offering the following online and in-person classes.  Space is limited; in some cases you must register in advance to receive a link via email. Talking is Teaching: Talk, Read, Sing for Toddlers en dos idiomas  Tues., May 24, 31 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.  Bilingual stories, songs and activities. Ages 18 mos. - 3. Take and Make...

Students, municipalities collect 12,000 pairs of shoes for the poor

Education By Alexandra Herrera, Reporter Friday, May 20, 2022

     With shoes overflowing from inside their home and those of a neighbor and relative, too, the Inguanzo family of Miami Lakes on April 20 loaded footwear into two trucks destined for the Camillus House charity that serves the poor and homeless in Miami. The family and the Town of Miami Lakes along with several cities and schools that placed donation bins on their campuses collected over 12,000 pairs of shoes for the...

Community Calendar - through June 3

Community By Alexandra Herrera, Reporter Friday, May 20, 2022

Please check the town’s social media pages for last-minute updates.  Register for events at toml.eventbrite.com.  May 18. Informational Forum -- Decision Day 2022 Miami Lakes Town Hall, 6601 Main St. Learn about the importance of planning ahead, including about advanced directives, living wills and health care surrogates among other end of life preparation topics. Presented by the Elderly Affairs Committee and...

Student art promotes Miami Lakes parks

Education By Alexandra Herrera, Reporter Thursday, May 19, 2022

Students from Miami Lakes schools created artwork that appears on banners hung around and in two of the town’s largest parks. The banners are the from the Town of Miami Lakes Student Art Contest and are hanging near Miami Lakes Optimist Park and Veterans Park. The project began about two years ago and highlighted pocket libraries, public transit and the parks. Each banner celebrates different ways to get around town: The...