Following the close of Secrets of the La Croix, The Main Street Playhouse, located at 6766 Main Street in Miami Lakes, will be hosting The Alliance Theatre Lab's productions Laundry & Bourbon and Lone Star. The show is directed Adalberto Acevedo and Juan Carlos Besares. These two one-act plays by playwright James McLure, together form one love story which will be presented back to back beginning on Friday, June 6, running through...

Did You Know?

Community By The Miami Laker staff Wednesday, May 28, 2014

  Town of Miami Lakes Development Code, Section 13-1601(a)(5) states: Garbage and trash disposal. No garbage, trash, refuse, rubbish, or recyclables shall be deposited or kept on any lot except in a suitable study container. Such container shall not be visible from any point on the front lot line, or from the lake or golf course, as applicable. Corner lots shall also not have garbage, trash, refuse, rubbish or other debris and discards,...
  The 14th annual induction ceremony of the Sister Mary Carol Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) was held May 1 at Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic School. The NJHS is founded upon the principles of scholarship, leadership, service, citizenship and character. Students inducted at the ceremony were Justin Espinosa, Miguel Palacios, Joseph Munoz from sixth grade; and Vanessa Perez Robles and Sephanie Gonzalez from seventh...
  Lawton Chiles Middle School is already gearing up for the 2014-2015 school year. Reading lists and activities for rising sixth, seventh and eighth graders have been released for students to continue improving reading comprehension and vocabulary throughout the summer months. Rising sixth graders are assigned to read: Almost Astronauts: 13 Women Who Dared to Dream by Tonya Lee Stone Flipped by Wendelin Van Draanen Julie of the Wolves...
  The Town of Miami Lakes announced it will offer a YMCA Summer Camp Program from June 9 through August 15 at the Roberto Alonso Community Center at Royal Oaks Park, 16500 N.W. 87 Avenue. The camp will be open to children ages 5 to 12 years old, and will offer a sports and dance component along with a wide variety of events including sing-a-longs, arts and crafts, reading and learning, sports and games, field trips, and swim days. The...