Mayor's Charity Havana Night Gala set for Sept. 21

Community Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The office of Miami Lakes Mayor Manny Cid will host the 2019 Mayor’s Charity Havana Night Gala on September 21 at the Roberto Alonso Community Center 16500 N.W. 87 Avenue.This elegant and exciting event will feature food, music and entertainment transporting attendees to a night in 1957 Havana.The Gala will benefit the Town’s Special Needs Advisory Board whose mission is to create a model town for inclusion for individuals with special needs...
Little Johnny may have Down Syndrome but the congenital disorder doesn’t stop him from making a big difference at school.Though he struggles with intellectual impairment each day of his life, four-year-old Johnny takes time to reach out to his peers and makes them laugh and feel good about themselves.Johnny is a heartwarming character in the new book entitled “Johnny’s At School,” which Miami Lakes area resident Nelly Palma wrote based on her...
Sustaining a healthy and vibrant parks system makes Miami-Dade County a great place to live. On July 27, join hundreds of volunteers in helping to keep park spaces clean and green at the “Summer Service Bash” at Amelia Earhart Park located at 401 E. 65 Street in Hialeah. Community service hours will be awarded to all participants. Workday activities will take place from 9 a.m. - noon and check-in begins at 8:30 a.m. Volunteers will...
Registration for Miami Lakes summer camps in partnership with the YMCA is still open and camps will be open until August 16.Dance Camp provides learning different modalities of dance.Sports Camp helps young athletes have a quality sports experience as coaches train and develop campers to be strong, contributing team players on and off the field.Adventure Camp lets campers make friends, have fun, get active and discover who they are and what...
Alexandra Reboredo graduated from Miami Lakes Education Center summa cum laude. She was editor in chief of The Harbinger and the school’s yearbook, Alpha and Omega. She is a Posse Scholar, a Silver Knight nominee and just finished her freshman year at Hamilton College. She will now be interning at the Town of Miami Lakes’ communications office.