Former MLEC student sings alongside Josh Groban

Community By Roselind Romero, The Miami Laker staff Friday, October 10, 2014

  Frank Verdejo-Chica refuses to be a victim of his disorder. The former Miami Lakes Educational Center (MLEC) student, who left public school for a year to deal with his diagnosis, Tourette Syndrome (TS), blossomed into a vocalist singing side by side with Josh Groban. Verdejo-Chica spent a majority of his childhood in Miami Lakes, having moved from the Bronx, New York when he was 10. He attended Lawton Chiles Middle School and MLEC...

Lien amnesty program now underway

Community Monday, October 6, 2014

  Town of Miami Lakes now offers a Code Enforcement Lien Amnesty Program as an incentive to property owners with outstanding liens to bring their property into compliance, and become eligible for as much as an 85 percent reduction in the amount owed on their lien. Both residential and commercial property owners are eligible to apply. The application period started October 1, and runs to 5 p.m. on Friday, March 27, 2015. The deadline...
  Miami Lakes’ Youth Activities Task Force (YATF) announced registrations are  open for the popular Just Run® Miami Lakes Program now in its fifth year. This is a free, fun program that promotes fitness, healthy eating, good citizenship and pride in accomplishment. The program is open to elementary and middle school students, ages 5 through 14. It begins at the end of October an will be held every Monday and Wednesday...
  The B Fore Pink Golf Tournament benefiting the Women’s Breast Health Initiative was held on Friday, September 19, at Shula’s Golf Club in Miami Lakes. The event raised awareness and funds for the organization's door-to-door outreach campaigns of providing critical information and screenings to under-served and uninsured women in South Florida for breast cancer and heart disease. Avid and long-time sponsors of the...
  The Miami Lakes Kiwanis Club is hosting a Square Dance on Saturday, October 18, at the Roberto Alonso Community Center at Royal Oaks Park. The event will raise money for Kiwanis International’s project to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus in third world countries. The project is called “Eliminate” and is co-sponsored by UNICEF. Tickets are $15 and the cost is tax deductible for participants. Food will be...