More than 100 senior citizens dressed in Hawaiian-inspired floral shirts and dresses attended the Miami Lakes’ annual Senior Luau on June 5 at Roberto Alonso Community Center. Attendees were treated to delicious food from Trattoria Pampered Chef and enjoyed the music, while playing games and winning raffle prizes. The free event was hosted by the Town of Miami Lakes and its Elderly Affairs Committee. “After contributing so...
  Miami Lakes Veterans Committee announced that the deadline for the 2014 “Old Glory” Photo Contest has been extended through July 25 offering more time for residents to take their best photo of the American Flag and submit it for the contest. The contest is open to residents, students, and anyone employed within the Town of Miami Lakes boundaries. Submissions must be received by 11:59 p.m. on Friday, July 25, and photos...
  The Town of Miami Lakes started a tree and landscape maintenance project on June 11 at the green space area located west of N.W. 67 Avenue and north of the Gratigny Expressway on Lake Hilda. As part of the project, all invasive tree species will be removed, trees will be trimmed, and the area will be clear of all debris and overgrown landscape material. The project’s goal is to provide aesthetic and beautification improvements...
  Miami Lakes Cultural Affairs Committee is hosting the 11th annual Fourth of July Concert and Fireworks Show on Friday, July 4, at Miami Lakes Picnic Park West, 15151 N.W. 82 Avenue. The festivities begin at 5 p.m. and attendees are encouraged to bring blankets and chairs. Free public parking will be in the parking lots by Graham Dairy Lake at the end of Montrose Road (N.W. 82 Avenue) and Oak Lane. To help minimize traffic, the Town of...
  Zonta Club of Miami Lakes presented donations to three local charities at its May general membership meeting. Proceeds from the annual fundraising event, Claws for Celebration, were presented to Lotus House, Women’s Breast Health Initiative, and Casa Valentina. Each year club members choose several community organizations as benefactors of its signature Stone Crab dinner. This year’s event was under the direction of long...