Miami-Dade Elections Department announced early voting for the August 26 primary election will be available at the Mary Collins Community Center in Miami Lakes Park West, 15100 N.W. 82 Avenue. This will be the first time that early voting will be held at the center. In previous years, early voting was held at the Miami Lakes Branch Library. Early voting will be available from Monday, August 11, through Sunday, August 24. Voting hours...
  Three Dade Christian School athletes participated in the AAU Club Championship at ESPN Wild World of Sports Complex during July 8-13. Paris Baker, 10, took first in the 400 with a #1 nationally ranked time of 1:02.42, was second in the 200, and third in the 100. Cha’iel Johnson, 9, won the 400 with a #2 nationally ranked time of 1:04.87 and placed second in the 200. The girls have been working hard under the direction of coach...


Karen M. Gilmartin, a Miami Lakes resident and a principal partner and Chief Legal Officer with the Miami Lakes law firm Kelley Kronenberg, has been voted into the Workers’ Compensation Hall of Fame. This group is comprised of individuals from Florida who have had a substantial impact in the field of Workers’ Compensation throughout their careers.

Town holds line on tax rate; budget hearings in September

Community By The Miami Laker staff Wednesday, August 6, 2014

  Miami Lakes appears to be in good financial shape for the next fiscal year, as the town is proposing to hold the line on the property tax rate, while generating enough revenues to resume rendering quality services and a surplus to keep the municipality running efficiently. But residents may pay a slight tax increase because their property values grew last year. Last month, the mayor and councilmembers preliminarily approved to keep...
  Schools superintendent Alberto M. Carvalho announced that 43 percent of Miami-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS) elementary, K-8 and middle schools received a School Performance Grade of "A" while only five percent received an "F," according to information released by the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE). The report also showed a higher percentages of M-DCPS schools received School Performance Grades of "A" in comparison to...