State Senator Rene Garcia will be the guest speaker at the next Miami Lakes Chamber of Commerce luncheon meeting scheduled for 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, May 9, at Shula’s Hotel Grand Ballroom. The organization’s monthly gathering opens for networking with lunch to follow at noon. To reserve contact Marta Diaz at 305-556-2212, or email Deadline to reserve a table is Friday, May 4, at noon. Garcia...

Preview of May 1 Miami Lakes Town Council meeting

Government Wednesday, May 2, 2018

  The Miami Lakes Town Council held its May 1 regular meeting, where lawmakers were expected to approve two ordinance and a host of resolutions including business contracts. • Lawmakers were expected to give their initial approval for an ordinance to create a provision in the town’s code for proper paint colors for commercial and industrial buildings. The ordinance stems from Councilmember Marilyn Ruano’s proposal to...
  Miami-Dade County Commission Chairman Esteban Bovo Jr. paid homage to State Senator Rene Garcia by presenting a proclamation during an event at Hialeah Park Racing and Casino for his 20 years of public service to the community. Garcia, who previously served on the Hialeah City Council and in the State House of Representatives, is term limited and seeking Bovo’s District 13 seat on the County Commission seat in 2020.   Bovo,...
  A legislative task force was recently created to assist the state’s Fire Marshall Office in its efforts to find some solutions to the blasting which is allegedly causing damages to homes in the Northwest Miami-Dade area and the City of Miramar. Miami Lakes residents Josh Dieguez, Albert Aguiar and Daissys Estrada, Country Club of Miami Community Councilman Alex Rizo, Palm Springs North Civic Association board member Mercy Sierra...
  Local business owners should create a safe and security plan for their employees to respond to emergencies such as a burglary and armed robbery or a disgruntled person intent on harming people with gun violence.  Miami Lakes Police Commander Major Javier Ruiz said drafting such a plan is crucial to react to critical incidents until the police and fire rescue arrive on the scene. As the guest speaker for the Miami Lakes Chamber of...